Climate Giant - Insulation & Weatherization

Climate Giant was founded in January 2011, specializing in insulating homes ranging from 0 to over 100 years old. Your health, your home’s health, and your economic well-being all suffer when your home is uninsulated. Climate Giant offers real solutions based on scientific recommendations and the unique needs of each customer. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive understanding of your home as a system, presenting the real picture.

Mother Nature can sap the life out of you and your home with high pressure one day and low the next. She’ll use all her force to reclaim the energy you worked hard to pay for, especially when combined with a weak thermal boundary and no air barrier. This puts Mother Nature in control of your environment, dictating the temperature, setting the airflow, and controlling the air you breathe inside your own home. It can be challenging to decide how to protect your home and whom to trust.

Climate Giant offers solutions that shield you from the pressures of nature. We will wrap your home in a blanket of insulation densely packed into each cavity, using open blown insulation in other areas. Our air seal and insulation team will stop at nothing until all airflow in your home is under your control, and energy efficiency is maintained by installing appropriate insulation measures and repairing any issues. We work during the most extreme temperatures of the year to keep you in control of your environment, even in the ever-changing weather of Rochester. Climate Giant is here to help you – it’s a name you can trust with people you can depend on.

Thermal Imaging Service

Thermal imaging combined with hands on verification gives our Auditors a big weapon against energy loss! Thermal imaging helps diagnose the minor temperature difference in small spaces to Large scale energy loss through the building envelope. We use thermal imaging on every job where is makes sense.

Air Sealing & Insulation

At Climate Giant we do all the work from the initial audit to the test out.  We use high tech equipment to determine where your thermal boundary strengths and weaknesses are.  Air sealing takes place generally in the attic, basement, and any cavity dense packed with cellulose. Read more about it.

Shield Your Home with Climate Giant

Climate Giant - Energy Professionals
NYSERDA Residential Financing
EmPower+ Program
Climate Giant - Energy Saving
BPI GoldStar RGB - Climate Giant

With several years of experience, we work hard to bring each customer the best possible service and quality available. Call us today!

(585) 857-2908