
At Climate Giant, we handle every aspect of your home’s transformation, starting from the initial audit to the final test out. Utilizing advanced technology, we pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses of your thermal boundary. Air sealing is a crucial step in enhancing energy efficiency, typically carried out in the attic, basement, and any cellulose-dense cavities.

Our meticulous approach involves sealing every possible opening, from vents, pipes, and stacks to can lights, fans, wires, split walls, voids, and chases. By preventing air movement through unconditioned spaces into your home, we create a robust air barrier. Establishing this barrier and halting airflow marks the initial success of any insulation project. Our arsenal includes cellulose, two types of spray foam, house wrap, and Polyethylene wrap to encapsulate the space. Once the air-sealing process is complete, we move on to insulation.


Taking command of your home’s environment is a key advantage of our insulation projects. We put a stop to Mother Nature’s attempts to freely circulate air around your home. With the air-sealing phase accomplished, our focus shifts to insulation installation. This involves addressing any ventilation issues, such as redirecting bath fan moisture to the outside rather than into the attic. We also ensure unobstructed soffit vents and install baffles to guide air flow effectively.

Climate Giant - Air Sealing & Insulation
Air Sealing & Insulation - Climate Giant
Air Sealing & Insulation - Climate Giant